Kunstpreis Günzburg 19.09. - 23.11.2023, Exhibition about the Artprize Guenzburg
Neufriedenheimer Kunstherbst 06.10. - 18.11.2022, Augustinum Neufriedenheim, Munich
"Material as Matter" 04.09. - 16.10.2022, Art Museum Erlangen
Int. Sculpturesymposium 14.08. - 04.09.2022, Campus of the University of Applied Sciences, Dresden
Kunstpreis der Nürnberger Nachrichten 22.07. - 11.09.2022, Arthouse Nuremberg
Voids & Limitations 14.05. - 05.06.2022, Solo Exhibition at the Residenz Neumarkt/Opf.
Schnittstellen 10. - 20.11.2021 KREIS.Galery, 12. - 14.11.2021 Atelier Juliane Schölß
Voids & Limitations 11.09. - 16.10.2021, Singleexhibition Galery with the blue door, Nuremberg
Kunstpreis der Nürnberger Nachrichten 09.07. - 30.08.2020, Arthouse Nuremberg
"Invited by..., Part 1" 31.08. - 09.11.2019, Galery Robert Drees Hannover


21.09. - 12.10.2019, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg
Kunstpreis der Nürnberger Nachrichten 17.07. - 01.09.2019, Arthouse Nuremberg
"Sculptors` Drawings" 10.11. - 23.12.2016, Groupexhibition Galery with the blue door, Nuremberg
"7. Werkschau" 10.09. - 02.10. 2016, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg
66. Bayreuther Artshow 24.07. - 28.08. 2016, At the Ecological-Botanical Garden of the University Bayreuth
Art & C ulture at the Dachsberg 17.06. - 30.07. 2016, Singleexhibition at the Institute for the blind, Rueckersdorf
"6. Werkschau" 20.09. - 17.10.2015, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg
Exhibition 31.05. - 28.06.2011, Galery Juergensen, Oetjendorf
"5. Werkschau" 20.09. - 05.10.2014, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg
"Rest.Art.Work" 16.5. - 8.6.2014, International Contemporary Artshow Krakau 2014, Poland
"Skulpturenlese 2013" 09.06. - 17.11.2013, Kalchreuth near Nuremberg
"Betreten verboten? - Wstep wzbroniony?" 14.09. - 06.10.2013, polish - german artproject, Quarter Q, Nuremberg
"4. Werkschau, So nah - so fern" 14.09. - 12.10.2013, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg
"3. Werkschau" 22.09. - 07.10. 2012, Groupexhibition, AEG, Nuremberg
"Steinzeit" 03.07. - 26.08.2012, Groupexhibition, Rottweil
"Hamburg ArtWeek 2012 " 01.06. - 10.06.2012, Bleichenhof, Hamburg
"Identity" 18.05. - 03.06.2012, Int. artists project, Railway freight station, Krakow, Poland
"2. jurierte Kunstausstellung" 19.11. - 11.12.2011, artclub Kulmbach
"2. Werkschau" 24.09. - 30.10. 2011, Groupexhibition, AEG, Nuremberg
"Markierter Ort - Miejsce Naznaczone" 24.06. - 31.07.2011, polish - german artproject, Zentrifuge, Nuremberg
Exhibition 08.05. - 26.06.2011, Galery Juergensen, Oetjendorf
"Achtung! Laufender Kunstbetrieb!" 18.09. - 24.10. 2010, Groupexhibition, AEG, Nuremberg
"Markierter Ort - Miejsce Naznaczone" 15.05. - 30. 05.2010, International Contemporary Artshow Krakau 2010, Poland
"Umschwung" 21.5. - 6.6.2010, Sculpture Symposium of the Art&Culture Foundation, Dissen
"Wirkungswechsel" (acting change) 9.4. - 9.5.2010, Groupexhibition, Zentrifuge, Nuremberg
"Blurring Boundaries" 18.11. - 28.11.2009, Exhibition together with Donata Benker at the Exhibitionhall of the College of Fine Arts, Nuremberg
"Ostrovske socharske sympozium 2009" 5.9. - 27.9.2009, Stonesculpture symposium in Ostrov, Czech Republic
"Torso II" 19.6. - 28.6.2009, Stonesculpture symposium and exhibition in Abtsgmünd
"Sculpture" 4.10. -16.11.2008, Exhibition together with Sebastian Kuhn, artroom Laichingen
"Kamen Sokolov" 8.9.-24.9.2008, Stonesculpture symposium in Sokolov, Czech Republic
"Undercover" 6.9. - 28.9.2008, groupexhibition at the ArtRoom Weissenohe monastery Weissenohe, Bavaria
Sculpture Prize Darmstädter Sezession Sculpture exhibition and -prize of the Darmstädter Sezession, 23.8. - 4.10.2008
"Scene of the granite art" German - Czech Stonesculptor Symposium as part of the ArtProject "Miteinander!"
("Together!"), June 2008
"Human Plaster" Groupexhibition "Human Plaster - People, Mass and social Form"
at the ArtRoom Weissenohe, monastery Weissenohe,Bavaria, Germany , 2007
"Art at work 2" Groupexhibition at Smurfit-Kappa in Feucht near Nuremberg, 26.8.2007
Stone-Sinfonie Norge Stonesculptor Symposium in Larvik / Norwegen with the japanese sculptor Makoto Fujiwara from 16.6. to 6.8.2007 in the Stavanger quarry of the Lhunds Granit Company
Artproject "Khora 2 " Sculpturesymposium in Nuremberg from 7.8. to 16.9.2006
Artproject between the Hiroshima City University (HCU) and the CoFA Nuremberg. An internationale exchange- and exhibitingproject. Symposium (7.8. - 1.9.) and exhibition (6.9. - 16.9.) have taken place in the areas of the zoo and the CoFA.
Sculpture Sculpture exhibition 2006 in Mörfelden - Walldorf from 6.8. to 17.9.2006
Culture in St.Johannis Groupexhibition from 23.6 to 1.7.2006 in the galery in the church of peace, Nuremberg.
Artproject "Khora1" Sculpturesymposium in Hiroshima, Japan from 30.8. to 17.10.2005
Artproject between the Hiroshima City University (HCU) and the CoFA Nuremberg. An internationale exchange- and exhibitingproject. (cat.)
"art in the powerstation" Groupexhibition in the shut down powerstation "Franken 1" in Nuremberg, Gebersdorf. 2004
" at the place " 19.9.- 3.10. 2004 sculpture symposium in Rothenburg o.d. Tauber during the sculpture show of the Würth collection "66 days of art"
"ground" Exhibition of the class of prof. Bury at the College of Fine Arts Nuremberg. 2004
"limiting space " Exhibition of the class of prof. Bury at the College of Fine Arts Nuremberg. 2003
"art in the powerstation" Groupexhibition in the shut down powerstation "Franken 1" in Nuremberg, Gebersdorf. 2002
"form what for?" Sculpture show from 20.5. to 4.6.2001
groupexhibition of current and former students of prof. Tim Scott at the College of Fine Arts Nuremberg, Pegnitzlofts Nuremberg