Kunstpreis Günzburg | 19.09. - 23.11.2023, Exhibition about the Artprize Guenzburg |
Neufriedenheimer Kunstherbst | 06.10. - 18.11.2022, Augustinum Neufriedenheim, Munich |
"Material as Matter" | 04.09. - 16.10.2022, Art Museum Erlangen |
Int. Sculpturesymposium | 14.08. - 04.09.2022, Campus of the University of Applied Sciences, Dresden |
Kunstpreis der Nürnberger Nachrichten | 22.07. - 11.09.2022, Arthouse Nuremberg |
Voids & Limitations | 14.05. - 05.06.2022, Solo Exhibition at the Residenz Neumarkt/Opf. |
Schnittstellen | 10. - 20.11.2021 KREIS.Galery, 12. - 14.11.2021 Atelier Juliane Schölß |
Voids & Limitations | 11.09. - 16.10.2021, Singleexhibition Galery with the blue door, Nuremberg |
Kunstpreis der Nürnberger Nachrichten | 09.07. - 30.08.2020, Arthouse Nuremberg |
"Invited by..., Part 1" | 31.08. - 09.11.2019, Galery Robert Drees Hannover |
21.09. - 12.10.2019, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg | |
Kunstpreis der Nürnberger Nachrichten | 17.07. - 01.09.2019, Arthouse Nuremberg |
"Sculptors` Drawings" | 10.11. - 23.12.2016, Groupexhibition Galery with the blue door, Nuremberg |
"7. Werkschau" | 10.09. - 02.10. 2016, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg |
66. Bayreuther Artshow | 24.07. - 28.08. 2016, At the Ecological-Botanical Garden of the University Bayreuth |
Art & C ulture at the Dachsberg | 17.06. - 30.07. 2016, Singleexhibition at the Institute for the blind, Rueckersdorf |
"6. Werkschau" | 20.09. - 17.10.2015, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg |
Exhibition | 31.05. - 28.06.2011, Galery Juergensen, Oetjendorf |
"5. Werkschau" | 20.09. - 05.10.2014, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg |
"Rest.Art.Work" | 16.5. - 8.6.2014, International Contemporary Artshow Krakau 2014, Poland |
"Skulpturenlese 2013" | 09.06. - 17.11.2013, Kalchreuth near Nuremberg |
"Betreten verboten? - Wstep wzbroniony?" | 14.09. - 06.10.2013, polish - german artproject, Quarter Q, Nuremberg |
"4. Werkschau, So nah - so fern" | 14.09. - 12.10.2013, Groupexhibition, Auf AEG, Nuremberg |
"3. Werkschau" | 22.09. - 07.10. 2012, Groupexhibition, AEG, Nuremberg |
"Steinzeit" | 03.07. - 26.08.2012, Groupexhibition, Rottweil |
"Hamburg ArtWeek 2012 " | 01.06. - 10.06.2012, Bleichenhof, Hamburg |
"Identity" | 18.05. - 03.06.2012, Int. artists project, Railway freight station, Krakow, Poland |
"2. jurierte Kunstausstellung" | 19.11. - 11.12.2011, artclub Kulmbach |
"2. Werkschau" | 24.09. - 30.10. 2011, Groupexhibition, AEG, Nuremberg |
"Markierter Ort - Miejsce Naznaczone" | 24.06. - 31.07.2011, polish - german artproject, Zentrifuge, Nuremberg |
Exhibition | 08.05. - 26.06.2011, Galery Juergensen, Oetjendorf |
"Achtung! Laufender Kunstbetrieb!" | 18.09. - 24.10. 2010, Groupexhibition, AEG, Nuremberg |
"Markierter Ort - Miejsce Naznaczone" | 15.05. - 30. 05.2010, International Contemporary Artshow Krakau 2010, Poland |
"Umschwung" | 21.5. - 6.6.2010, Sculpture Symposium of the Art&Culture Foundation, Dissen |
"Wirkungswechsel" (acting change) | 9.4. - 9.5.2010, Groupexhibition, Zentrifuge, Nuremberg |
"Blurring Boundaries" | 18.11. - 28.11.2009, Exhibition together with Donata Benker at the Exhibitionhall of the College of Fine Arts, Nuremberg |
"Ostrovske socharske sympozium 2009" | 5.9. - 27.9.2009, Stonesculpture symposium in Ostrov, Czech Republic |
"Torso II" | 19.6. - 28.6.2009, Stonesculpture symposium and exhibition in Abtsgmünd |
"Sculpture" | 4.10. -16.11.2008, Exhibition together with Sebastian Kuhn, artroom Laichingen |
"Kamen Sokolov" | 8.9.-24.9.2008, Stonesculpture symposium in Sokolov, Czech Republic |
"Undercover" | 6.9. - 28.9.2008, groupexhibition at the ArtRoom Weissenohe monastery Weissenohe, Bavaria |
Sculpture Prize Darmstädter Sezession | Sculpture exhibition and -prize of the Darmstädter Sezession, 23.8. - 4.10.2008 |
"Scene of the granite art" | German - Czech Stonesculptor Symposium as part of the ArtProject "Miteinander!" ("Together!"), June 2008 |
"Human Plaster" | Groupexhibition "Human Plaster - People, Mass and social Form" at the ArtRoom Weissenohe, monastery Weissenohe,Bavaria, Germany , 2007 |
"Art at work 2" | Groupexhibition at Smurfit-Kappa in Feucht near Nuremberg, 26.8.2007 |
Stone-Sinfonie Norge | Stonesculptor Symposium in Larvik / Norwegen with the japanese sculptor Makoto Fujiwara from 16.6. to 6.8.2007 in the Stavanger quarry of the Lhunds Granit Company |
Artproject "Khora 2 " | Sculpturesymposium in Nuremberg from 7.8. to 16.9.2006 Artproject between the Hiroshima City University (HCU) and the CoFA Nuremberg. An internationale exchange- and exhibitingproject. Symposium (7.8. - 1.9.) and exhibition (6.9. - 16.9.) have taken place in the areas of the zoo and the CoFA. |
Sculpture | Sculpture exhibition 2006 in Mörfelden - Walldorf from 6.8. to 17.9.2006 |
Culture in St.Johannis | Groupexhibition from 23.6 to 1.7.2006 in the galery in the church of peace, Nuremberg. |
Artproject "Khora1" | Sculpturesymposium in Hiroshima, Japan from 30.8. to 17.10.2005 Artproject between the Hiroshima City University (HCU) and the CoFA Nuremberg. An internationale exchange- and exhibitingproject. (cat.) |
"art in the powerstation" | Groupexhibition in the shut down powerstation "Franken 1" in Nuremberg, Gebersdorf. 2004 |
" at the place " | 19.9.- 3.10. 2004 sculpture symposium in Rothenburg o.d. Tauber during the sculpture show of the Würth collection "66 days of art" |
"ground" | Exhibition of the class of prof. Bury at the College of Fine Arts Nuremberg. 2004 |
"limiting space " | Exhibition of the class of prof. Bury at the College of Fine Arts Nuremberg. 2003 |
"art in the powerstation" | Groupexhibition in the shut down powerstation "Franken 1" in Nuremberg, Gebersdorf. 2002 |
"form what for?" | Sculpture show from 20.5. to 4.6.2001 groupexhibition of current and former students of prof. Tim Scott at the College of Fine Arts Nuremberg, Pegnitzlofts Nuremberg |